LWVMT Volunteer Information

The League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Tulsa works extremely hard to encourage informed and active participation in government by getting out into the community in a variety of ways. And whether it’s via candidate forums, online and/or printed voter guides, or voter registration drives, they all have one thing in common — we can’t make it happen without YOU, the volunteer.

There are a number of areas in which the LWVMT always needs help. These include:

Voter Registration Team
assisting with registration, including naturalization ceremonies
Voter Guide Team
working to help produce online and printed voter guides
Candidate & Issue Forums
assisting with forums, contact, and promotion
Advocacy & Policy Studies
works with the League on current issues and studies
Office Support
general office support and research, answering phones, emails & more
Communication & Public Relations
writing, graphics, blogging & social media, newsletter
Fundraising & Event Planning
grant writing, sponsorship, event planning, on-site preparations
taking photographs of League events

If these sound of interest to you, please sign up to volunteer below. Once you’ve signed up, visit our Current Volunteer Opportunities page!

Don’t forget to sign up for the LWVMT newsletter, The League Intrigue, to keep up with news, volunteer information, and more!