Proposed Capital Improvements Package

Emily DavisNews

The City Council recently approved a draft of a $919 million capital improvement proposal, also referred to as “Improve Our Tulsa”.  This package will be on the ballot during the City of Tulsa general election on November 12.

The new funding package will replace the previous 2008 Fix Our Streets program, which expires in 2014. The 2008 package, which was funded by a 1.167 percent sales tax and general obligation bonds, went entirely toward fixing streets. The next package will continue street improvements and address needs in other City departments. View the package here. Note – the BOK Center and Convention Center projects have been removed.

Capital Improvements Package:

Election: Nov. 12, 2013
Total funding: $918.7 million
Effective date: July 1, 2014

Sales Tax Proposition:

Tax: 1.1 percent (extends third-penny and part of the 0.167-cent tax)
Funding: $563.7 million
Timing: From July 1, 2014, to until the amount is raised (estimated 6 to 6 1/2 years), but no later than 7 years
Projects: $299.2 million for arterial street repair, widening, public transit and bike/pedestrian infrastructure; $264.5 million for other capital projects

Bond Proposition:

Funding: $355 million
Timing: 5 years
Projects: $275 million for non-arterial street repairs; $80 million for arterials
Property tax: Average $20 annual increase for $100,000 home

Sales Taxes in Tulsa:

Total: 8.517 percent
City’s portion: 3.167 percent
Permanent for operations: 2 percent
Temporary for capital projects: 1.167 percent
Proposal: Extend 1.1 percent of the 1.167 capital sales tax, leaving 0.067 percent for a future county election
Outcome if successful: Tax decrease of 0.067 percent, pending county proposal; Level rate if a county proposal passes

View more information on “Improve Our Tulsa” via the City of Tulsa website as well as the Tulsa World.