League Voters’ Guide and Election Board Voting Tools

Emily DavisNews, News and Updates

Our Voters’ Guide for the Nov. 4th general is now available! The Guide is an all-inclusive guide to the general election; it includes voting information, responses from candidates, and background on the three state questions that appear on the ballot. You can view it the following ways:

Visit Vote411.org  to build your personalized ballot now! Or, you can view a list of all Oklahoma races here. Need help finding your precincts or want to see your sample ballot? Follow this link to the Oklahoma State Election Board’s Online Voter Tool.

The League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Tulsa and the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma have submitted sets of questions to all of the candidates who will appear on the ballot. Beginning October 1st, an electronic Voters’ Guide that will include the candidates’ responses will be available at www.vote411.org. This is a comprehensive one-stop shop for your voter information needs. Information includes a biographical and career experience overview and answers to questions that are relevant to each office.

Other Voter Tools:

  • Tulsa Election Board Voter Tool- allows you to create a sample ballot at the Tulsa Election Board website. To do this, you will need to know your precinct number in order to access your sample ballot.
  • The Oklahoma Election Board – recently launched a new voter tool that will assist you in identifying your precinct as well as the location of your polling place and other related voting information. Click here to access this exciting new tool.You will need to input your first and last name and your date of birth to access this information.

Be sure and pass this information on to friends and relatives and encourage all you know to get out and vote. Democracy, as all League members know, is not a spectator sport.