Vote to Abolish the Election Assistance Commission Fails


The Wednesday, June 22, vote failed to get the 2/3 majority needed for passage.Voting along strict party lines, members of the House of Representatives did not gather the number of votes needed to  abolish the Election Assistance Commission.

Click here to see how your Representative voted on this measure.

The League believes that elections are fundamental to a functioning democracy and that every effort should be made to elevate their administration to the highest importance. Congress should not turn its back on federal efforts to ensure election integrity, improve voter access to the polls, and improve election systems. The value of the EAC far outweighs its monetary costs; in fact, the costs of poorly run elections are intolerable. It is time for election administration to move into the 21st Century, not back toward the 19th.

League of Women Voters
1730 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036