National Voter Registration Day – Sept. 23

Emily Davis News

Each year, millions of people don’t vote because they missed a registration deadline or didn’t know how to register.

In 2014, we’re joining a movement of hundreds of organizations across the country to empower thousands of people to vote.

Join YWCA Tulsa and LWV Tulsa for National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, September 23rd!

We’re reaching out for your help to make this event a success. Will you please volunteer your time to register voters in this critical election year?


  • Shifts are about two hours each on Tuesday, September 23rd. If you can volunteer more or less, we’ll gladly take it!
  • Each shift will have a minimum of two people.
  • Registration will take three locations this year:

YWCA Midtown fitness center: 6am-8pm (map)

YWCA East fitness center: 6:30am-8:30pm (map)

YWCA Immigrant & Refugee center: 8:30am-5pm (map)

Sign Up!

To volunteer, click here to sign up.

Please share this message with friends and colleagues who might be interested in supporting this initiative. This is a great opportunity for friends or groups to volunteer together!


If you have not been to a voter registration training before, you will also sign up for a voter registration training session at the YWCA’s Downtown Center  (map):

Tuesday, September 16, 5:30-6:30pm

Thursday, September 18, 12-1pm

Saturday, September 20, 10-11am


Supplies and snacks will be provided  | This is a non-partisan event! | This year we’re excited to partner with Nonprofit VOTE to measure our outcomes, including identifying how many people we registered actually voted in the November 4th General Election.