LWVMT Involvement

Being involved with the LWVMT can happen in a number of ways! The two most immediate are via the Board of Trustees and its committees or by volunteering for one of the numerous events the LWVMT hosts or is involved in.

The Board of Trustee meetings are held on the third Monday of each month and the public is welcome to attend! Although you aren’t able to vote on agenda items, the LWVMT always appreciates the valued input of our community members!

Stay in touch with the League!

The LWVMT Communications Committee sends out a newsletter/memo to keep our members (and other interested parties!) up to date with what is going on in the league. All members are automatically signed up to receive the newsletter, but anyone can sign up by clicking the graphic below. This will be an excellent opportunity to keep up with the events being planned, what volunteer opportunities are available, and plenty of other information!

Don’t Forget!

As always, our Calendar is always up-to-date with LWVMT events!

General volunteering more your style? Click here!