Building Trust: Helping End Racially Biased Policing

Shailaja MarionAnnouncement

This meeting welcomes Drew Diamond, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of Tulsa, as discussion continues from last month, focusing on key findings in the Tulsa Equality Indicators report.

Our September lunch meet-up welcomed Melanie Poulter who shared with us the latest findings about key social dynamics via the Tulsa Equality Indicators report: Measuring change toward greater equality in Tulsa. Our October meeting will pursue some key findings in that report.

We will welcome Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of Tulsa, Drew Diamond, to our October meeting to better understand the implications of ending racially biased policing. Mr. Diamond served as Tulsa Chief of Police and has been a strong advocate for building trust between the Tulsa Police and the community they serve.

We hope you will join us as we dig a little deeper and explore the next steps in creating a fair and unbiased police force in Tulsa.

When: Tuesday, October 22nd
Where: YWCA Community Room
Time: noon-1p.  arrive early with brown bag.