Our members want to be more active in public policy advocacy! To accomplish this goal, the Oklahoma League’s “Program for Action Book,” a basis for all action and advocacy, must be brought up to date. Join us at a December Unit Meeting as we continue the series “Renewing our Commitment to Action.”
And, please save the date for our Consensus Meeting: Saturday, January 10, 2015. 9:00 – 12:00. Learn more here.
Unit Meeting Schedule:
Midtown: Tuesday, December 16, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, League office, 3336 E. 32nd. Lunch and visitation 11:30 (bring your own sandwich) Meeting 12:00 pm.
North Tulsa: Monday, December 15, noon to 1:00 pm at Rudisill Library, 1520 N. Hartford Avenue.
Breakfast Unit: Tuesday, December 16, 7:00 am to 8:00 am at the ONEOK Cafeteria, 100 W. 5th Street, Lower Level in downtown Tulsa.
December Topic and Discussion Questions
The Education positions from the LWVOK’s Program for Action book will be discussed. There are seven positions under the heading of Education. Each is summarized separately and will be presented separately and will require a separate recommendation. The seven positions were approved by membership in different years. Education Finance, Administration of Higher Education, Administration of Common Schools and Accountability were approved in 1973. Textbook Selection was revised and approved in 1986. Corporal Punishment was approved in 1989. Curriculum was approved in 2005.
The Executive Summary Education Policy will be used for study and discussion. Or, you may read the LWVUS position (Adopted in 2012) and Oklahoma’s state position to prepare for discussion. The LWVUS position addresses only the role of the federal government in public education but does not identify the responsibilities of the states.
Questions: Is the position useful in supporting LWVOK advocacy? Is it factually up to date? Is it relevant given the current historical context and political environment? What is missing? How might it be modified? And to make Tulsa’s recommendation to the State League – Should this position be retained, revised, restudied, removed/archived, or is there no consensus?
Please Note: If all units agree on a position’s recommendation, that recommendation will be Tulsa’s response to the LWVOK. If units differ in their decision then the position being studied will be placed on the agenda for the January 10, 2015, Tulsa Membership Meeting.
The Consensus Meeting is where the actual recommendations to the LWVOK will be decided – should the position be retained, revised, restudied, removed, or maybe there will be no consensus.
See You There!
Julie Gustafson, Program Chair