The League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Tulsa urges county voters to support the two propositions on the Tues., April 1 ballot. If passed, these propositions will fund the construction of a new juvenile facility, including a court and detention center, and additions to the Tulsa jail to combat unsafe conditions for police officers, staff and inmates in the overcrowded facility. Read more about our position and view our op-ed in the Tulsa World.
Tulsa County officials have launched a public awareness campaign that aims to educate voters on the countywide criminal justice sales tax proposals that will appear on the April 1 ballot. The Protect Our County campaign was established by County Commissioner Karen Keith and Sheriff Stanley Glanz, the lead proponents of the 15-year sales-tax proposal.
More information via the Tulsa World (1, 2, 3).
View proposition 1. View proposition 2.
Tours of the juvenile center, jail are currently being offered.