February 2015 Unit Meetings

Emily Davis News, News and Updates


In February we will address the issue of “Transportation in Tulsa and Surrounding Areas”. This issue was identified by our Tulsa membership as the priority topic of interest in an on-line survey completed in May 2014.

Unit Meeting Dates

Midtown: Tuesday, February 17, 11:30 to 1 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the League office, 3336 E. 32nd. Lunch and visitation 11:30 (bring your own lunch) Meeting 12:00 pm.

North Tulsa Unit: Monday, February 23, noon to 1:00 pm on the 4th Monday of the month at the Rudisill Library at 1520 N. Hartford Avenue.

Breakfast Unit: Tuesday, February 24, Meets from 7 to 8 am on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the ONEOK Cafeteria, 100 W. 5th street, Lower Level in downtown Tulsa.

“Transportation in Tulsa and Surrounding Areas” is a broad and complicated topic so please bring to the meeting your ideas about transportation.

Following are links to help in your study. For discussion we will start with the 4 articles under Transit Examples. Other links are included for background knowledge.

1. Transit Examples:

Walking October 14, 2014, Tulsa World…Conference focuses on Tulsa’s walkability and its impact on economy. Sponsored by Tulsa Health Department, Tulsa Young Professionals, U. of Oklahoma Society of Urban Design Students

Disability – May 16, 2014 Tulsa World… Tulsa’s disabled fighting cuts to city transit.

BusSeptember 19, 2014 Tulsa World… Tulsa’s rapid transit bus system won’t get started until 2020s

Bus – July 12, 2014 Tulsa World… Take a Tulsa Transit but to a destination just once

2. History up to around 2010 A New Tulsa Transit emerges out of the old by Mark Pritchard

3. Tulsa City + Tulsa County = INCOG, Indian Nations Council of Governments See areas of activity under Transportation Planning which are bicycle/pedestrian planning, coordinated transportation, demographics and information, en Espanol, long range planning, meetings and agendas, programs and projects, regional maps, regional trails guide, regional transit plan, transportation links, transportation resource center.

4. Citizens Advocates for improved transportation- Transit Matters, a grassroots advocacy group promoting effective public transportation in Tulsa. Look at sections “about us”; “how you can help”; “transit facts”; ”contact us”

Tulsa Now, example: walking example: mass transportation

Consensus Meeting Report:

January 10, 2015, the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Tulsa held a membership /consensus meeting at Martin East Regional Library. Twenty members joined together in the study “Renewing our Commitment to Action”. Those present discussed policy positions in the LWVOK’s Program for Action book and made recommendations to bring these policies up to date for action and advocacy purposes. Discussion was led by Tulsa member, Debbie Zanovitch. New and long-term members, with their broad range of knowledge, participated in the exchange of information and ideas and the pooling of mental resources. Not everyone agreed on opinions yet issues were identified and common ground sought. By the end of the meeting all members present had contributed to the League’s decision-making process and eleven policies received recommendations.

The LWVMT’s Program Committee is now preparing the Tulsa Consensus Report containing recommendations from the January 10 meeting and those from the fall Unit Meetings. The Tulsa Report will be presented to the members of the LWVMT’s Board for acceptance before being sent to the LWVOK by the end of February.

If you would like a copy of the Tulsa Consensus Report for the study “Renewing our Commitment to Action,” please contact the LWVMT’s office.