Voter ID Requirements Are Now Law; League Education Campaign to Begin


Voter ID took effect on July 1. Every voter will be asked for proof of identity whether they are voting at their polling place or voting early at the County Election Board.

According to the Tulsa County Election Board, accepted documents for proof of identity for voting purposes must have been issued by the federal, state or a tribal government and must include the voter’s name, photograph, and an expiration date that is after the date of the election in which the voter is attempting to vote. Voters also may use a voter identification card or a temporary voter identification document issued by the County Election Board.

We have scheduled training with Shelly Boggs, Tulsa County Election Board secretary, for 10 a.m., Saturday, July 30. Please contact the office if you can attend. Everyone is welcome, but we’d especially like to see all voter registration and office volunteers at this training.