The US League of Women Voters wants you to take a deep breath . . . of clean air!
Take a deep breath. . .
. . . And another . . .
If you’re lucky, the air that just filled your lungs was low in smog. According to the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must set air quality standards to protect public health. Based on the science, the EPA is expected to set a new smog standard this July. The oil, coal and other polluting industries are pressuring the Obama administration to delay the standard or to issue a weak standard so that they can continue to pollute our air in order to meet their bottom line.
Send a message to President Obama. Tell him to stand up against pollution and keep our air clean.
Our health and environment are under attack by big polluters. We can’t let them stop EPA’s efforts to clean up life-threatening pollution which will save thousands of lives and improve the quality of life for millions more.
1. Send President Obama a message now! Ask him to fight for a strong smog standard to protect the health of all Americans, including those who are most vulnerable to air pollution — our children and seniors.
2. Share this information with your contacts — your grassroots network, your friends and coworkers. Encourage them to contact the President.
The League of Women Voters of the United States
1730 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036