LWVOK Advocacy Day!

Anne Williams Blog Post

Approximately 25 representatives from across the state attended the LWVOK Advocacy Day on March 6th in Oklahoma City.

The day began with training and discussion at the state League office.  Former State Senator Angela Monson, who has been working to expand access to healthcare for over 30 years, spoke about efforts to expand Medicaid in Oklahoma.  Please go to:  https://okpolicy.org/issues/health/ or call 981-794-3944. 

Barry K. Moore, who is a registered lobbyist for rural telecommunications companies, gave pointers on how to effectively communicate with legislators.  Both presenters were excellent.

An open discussion of bills relating to the League’s Advocacy agenda –Medicaid Expansion, Education, Tax Reform, and Redistricting closed out the morning session.

After lunch, members of the group headed to the capital to meet with their representatives. Each Senator and Representative visited was given a little sweet treat, a flyer with the League’s goals and 2019 Advocacy Priorities, and a Great Big Thank You!  To share information and ideas about advocacy issues, join our LWVOK Advocacy group on Facebook.

LWVMT was represented by our Vice President Lynn Staggs, Anne Williams and Wallace A. Williams