City Charter Change: What’s Best for Tulsa?


Join us 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 19., as the League hosts a free, public forum on possible changes to the Tulsa City Charter featuring Dr. Robert Darcy and two speakers supporting competing proposals.

Dr. Robert Darcy, retired Oklahoma State University Regents Professor of Political Science, will discuss governing practices of other cities the size of Tulsa as well as what research shows has worked best.

Two representatives of opposing proposals have also been invited to speak. Len Eaton of Save Our Tulsa, a group formed to advocate changes to our form of government and the make-up of our city council including non-partisan elections, will discuss his group’s positions. District 3 City Councilor Roscoe Turner has been invited to speak about a proposal that may come from the council to change to a council/manager form of government.

The luncheon meeting will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 19, in the Schusterman Benson Library Community Room at 3333 E. 32nd Pl.

Box lunches (turkey or vegetarian) will be available by reservation only. Cost for the box lunch is $8 and includes a sandwich, drink, chips and a cookie. Lunch reservations must be received by 12 p.m., Friday, Feb. 18. Call 918-747-7933 or e-mail [email protected] to reserve lunch.

Municipal Election Reform

The Tulsa League was very involved in amending the City of Tulsa Charter in 1989, when voters approved a change that brought district representation by city councilors and established our current strong mayor/city council form of government.

There are now several competing proposals for changing city government that include:

• Non-partisan elections rather than the current partisan elections
• Returning city council terms to two-years with all councilors running at the same time
• A city manager/weak mayor form of government
• Adding three “super district” city councilors to be elected at-large by all residents of Tulsa
• Giving the mayor a seat and vote as a member of the city council

Dr. Robert Darcy

Anyone who attended the League’s June 2010 forum on the State Questions will remember Dr. Darcy as an informed and captivating speaker. His research has included the study of government at all levels and his career has included publishing over ninety academic papers, co-authoring three books, and holding academic positions in various countries.

Len Eaton

Along with several League members, Eaton served on the committee that succeeded in changing Tulsa’s city charter in 1989. He retired as Chairman and CEO of the Bank of Oklahoma and has chaired and served on numerous local, regional and national boards.

City Councilor Roscoe Turner

Councilor Turner has served on the city council for 12 years. He is retired from the City of Tulsa, where he worked as a Boiler Inspector for 21 years. Turner is a lifelong Tulsan and graduate of Tulsa’s Booker T. Washington High School.