The League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Tulsa supports all presently available legal sources of revenue: sales taxes, excise taxes, user fees, income taxes, general revenue sharing and federal grants.
Believing that food and prescription drugs should be exempt from all sales taxes, the League also supports the exemption of these items from the city sales tax laws.
We encourage the state legislature to pass permissive legislation for cities for city tax options.
The city should establish a continuous source of funding for capital improvement projects and provide early, practical education to the public about these projects.
Adopted in 1979
The League believes that future budgeting processes should include the following:
- Long-range planning, which should include the coordination of a fiscal impact analysis system with the budgeting process in order to adequately assess the impact of the capital improvement projects on future city obligations, such as maintenance, personnel and growth patterns
- Continuous citizen participation from the initial stages
- Coordination of capital improvement projects among all city departments
- Evaluation and accountability of programs based on established goals and objectives
The success of the budgeting process requires that:
- The appropriate city employees should have the necessary training to write measurable objectives
- The budgeting staff should be responsible for providing continuity in the budgeting process
Adopted in 1980