Unit Meetings Resume in September

Heather News

common core logoWe will discuss the hot topic of Common Core education standards which are being implemented nationwide. Oklahoma adopted them in 2010, but the issue may come before the legislature this year as the House Speaker and other legislators have expressed opposition, despite Gov. Mary Fallin’s support for Common Core. Oklahoma recently withdrew from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) consortium that was developing standardized tests to evaluate student performance with regard to the standards. The primary reason given was the cost of the tests.


Click here for articles and discussion questions.


Point/Counterpoint from the August 9th Tulsa World:






Editorial by Sand Springs Superintendent, Lloyd Snow:




Suggested discussion questions:


1. Do you favor or oppose the Common Core Standards?

2. What are the top three reasons to favor the standards?

3. What are the top three reasons to oppose the standards?

4. What are the primary obstacles for implementing Common Core standards for the state, the school systems and teachers?

5. What action should the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma take with regard to the Common Core standards?