June is Membership Month! All 2011-2012 memberships expire on June 30th.
Why renew?
1. Work with others concerning issues that affect us all, in a nonpartisan spirit of inquiry.
2. Enjoy League get-togethers; they are fun and informative. We have good food wine, and company.
3. No matter your predilection for service, be it folding flyers for mailing, answering the office phone, facilitating candidate forums, researching issues of concern, we always appreciate your involvement!
4. Women are under-represented in the political arena.
5. Democracy needs all of us to function well, and when we educate ourselves and others about the issues of the day, it functions much more effectively!
6. We register voters, and inviting people to be a part of our country’s political process is gratifying.
Tell your friends what we do; invite them to join! We welcome all women and men 18 years or older who want to help better their world.