Remarks From Our League President

Diama Norris News

Election Day 2013 is now behind us. We are proud that our League volunteers worked hard to register voters and develop nonpartisan candidate and ballot information for the municipal election. Our members registered 87 voters at 13 events, distributed 5,000 printed voters guides and provided online information via .

While voter turnout improved to approximately 36% from previous municipal elections, it is still low. This is not new and something we must continue to work on as we enter the 2014 mid-term elections. We cannot let up in our efforts to increase voter participation. So often, we see our voter service efforts as a routine part of our League effort. But, to the community, there is nothing routine about a registration event at a naturalization ceremony, high school, community college or about the candidate events we organize.

Thanks to all who contributed to our 2013 election efforts.

In League,

Kathleen Kastelic