Update on the Education Bond Policy Task Force – Tulsa League members heartily agreed at the June 2015 annual meeting that they want to be able to endorse school bond elections. To accomplish this goal, they voted to study and work toward the adoption of a Tulsa school bond position in the 2015-2016 year.
Last summer an Education Bond Policy Task Force was appointed and its members have been at work throughout the year studying the school bond process and coming to agreement on broad concepts in preparation of formulating a position to endorse school bonds. The four members of the committee, chaired by Patti Mullen, will be reviewing bond oversight and accountability on April 19, from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. at the League office. They will be interviewing Susan Harris, an education advocate for the Chamber; Ruth Ann Fate, a long term member of the Tulsa Public School Board; and Chris Hudgins, a TPS accountability administrator for tracking bond investments. If you would like to know more about how bond issues are developed, passed and monitored, come and be a part of this interview. Please phone or email the League office and let us know you will be there on April 19.