December Unit Meetings

Emily DavisNews

Get Involved.  Be in the Know.

The Tulsa Program Committee wishes all League members a healthy, happy holiday season.  In December we will be completing our study of Money in Politics.  Join us as we close the 2015 year with friendship and conversation.  The meeting dates and study materials may be found below.  The North Tulsa Unit will not be meeting in December.


Reforming Money in Politics

The League is deeply committed to reforming our nation’s campaign finance system to ensure the public’s right to know, combat corruption and undue influence, enable candidates to compete more equitably for public office and allow maximum citizen participation in the political process.  The US League says, “We will continue this fight in Congress, with state legislatures, with the executive branch and, where appropriate, the courts.”

At Tulsa’s December Unit Meetings we will finalize our discussion on Money in Politics.  This study educates members about this important issue and helps members understand the thinking and work of the National League.

Tulsa will not have a consensus meeting on this subject.  We received the materials and resources from National in October and the due date for a Consensus Report is February 1, 2016.  The Tulsa Board of Directors found this short time frame too limiting to offer an informed study.  Money in Politics is a complex study and placing the short time frame during the holiday season made the task even more difficult.

We did inform the LWVUS of our decision not to participate in the consensus meeting.  We strongly suggested that materials and resources for future studies be ready for distribution to local leagues in the summer months prior to the study.  A longer time frame for study and report will respect the efforts of local league members to plan and execute an informed study appropriate for their community.  With this said, the discussion goes on- Do join us in December to Be in the Know: Learn and share your thoughts on Money in Politics.  This controversial subject will continue to be in the news for a long time.


Mid-Day Unit: Tuesday, December 15th, 11:30am-1:00pm.  Meetings take place on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the League office, 3336 E. 32nd Street.  Lunch and visitation start at 11:30am (bring your own sandwich).  Meeting begins at 12:00pm.

Breakfast Unit: Tuesday, December 15th, 7:00-8:00am.  Meetings take place on the 4th Tuesday of the month.  Meeting is at New Atlas Grill located in the Courtyard Tulsa Downtown (415 S. Boston Ave.)


Study Materials:

Hard, Soft and Dark Money

Discussion Questions: What is dark money?  What funding sources can coordinate with candidates? What types of organizations would fall under the dark money definition?  Which type of organization is least regulated?

Discussion Questions: What are the historical concerns for regulating campaign finance? What is quid pro quo? What does “distortion of the political process” mean? Is political equality really important in our society?

Discussion Questions: If you believe that contributions to political candidates and campaigns should be limited, which of the approaches (legislative, regulatory, other) do you think would be most effective?  Would your chosen approach present its own difficulties?