Community Discussion Event: Re-Segregation of Tulsa’s Schools


The Dan Allen Center for Social Justice promotes social justice through education, outreach, advocacy, and demonstration of social justice. As part of that mission, the Center is sponsoring a community discussion regarding the re-segregation of Tulsa’s public schools. The discussion will be led by a panel including:

Dr. Keith Ballard, Tulsa Public Schools
Dr. David Blatt, Oklahoma Policy Institute
Mr. Ed Martinez, Jr., Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Tulsa
Dr. Jocelyn Payne, John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation
Ms. Laura Ross White, Community Services Council of Greater Tulsa

Thursday, September 4, 2014, 6:30-8:30pm
Rudisill Regional Library 1520 N. Hartford Tulsa, OK
Open to the public, free admission, light refreshments afterwards

2014 marks the 60th anniversary of the Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education Supreme Court decision to end racial segregation of public schools. After decades of civil rights struggles, Americans were beginning to recognize the importance of social integration to ensure social justice for all. Where is Tulsa today in meeting the spirit of that landmark ruling? Are current demographic and policy trends leading to Tulsa being re-segregated? Is there still merit to actively seeking diversity in our schools and our neighborhoods?
The Center has invited distinguished panelists to discuss the current trends that are isolating poor and minority children in Tulsa. The Center is sponsoring the discussion with the goal that it will move the community forward on issues of poverty and its causes in Tulsa.

More information contact: Dr. Ed Rossman, [email protected]; 918-619-7505
Visit the Center’s Website: