- Remember that your role as an advocate is to be a source of information for your legislator.
- Be friendly, reasonable, and courteous.
- Develop a plan.
- Your homework. Know as much as possible about the issues. Supporting your views with as much background information as possible will make your opinion much more powerful.
- Attend legislative committee meetings.
- Identify yourself and explain how you are related to the issue.
- Be prepared to answer your legislator’s questions regarding your issue.
- Know the position your legislator has taken on your issues. They will automatically respect your opinion and be more inclined to listen and respond to your views.
- Be accurate, concise, and constructive. Quality is more important than quantity.
- Be passionate about your issue.
- Identify a legislative bill by number or title. This will help your legislator know which bill you’re discussing if there are multiple bills on the same issue. Provide a copy of your bill for your legislator if necessary.
- Know both sides of the issue.
- Know the legislative and budget processes that your issues will undergo as legislation.
- Know the legislative rules and calendar.
- Establish a rapport with your legislators. Make a personal visit to the capitol or attend a fundraiser. Your legislators will be impressed that you took the time to do so.
- If appropriate, invite your legislator to your place of work.
- Compliment or chastise you legislator as necessary, but always politely.
- Stay visible. Be persistent. It’s a virtue.
- Lobby other lobbyists and network with other groups who share your interest.
- Count your votes again and again and again.
- Remember that today’s opponent is tomorrow’s ally.
- Know the two priorities of a legislator: get elected and get re-elected.
- Be rude or threatening. This will get you nowhere.
- Begin on a righteous note of “As a citizen and taxpayer….”
- Claim to wield vast political influence. Emphasize the issue, not your title.
- Apologize for taking your legislator’s time. If you are brief and to the point, they will be glad to hear from you.
- Know only part of the story concerning your issue.
- Simply repeat what someone has told you to say. This will only discredit you.
- Send form letters or group postcards. They are worthless.
- Ask for specific amounts of funding, if this applies to your issue. Instead, inform your legislator as to the importance of sufficient funding.