- Time all opening and closing statements
- Time candidate responses, allowing 1 minute for each response
- Indicate 30 seconds remaining with a yellow sign
- Indicate time expired with a red sign
- Alert the moderator when a candidate’s time has ended.
- Review questions submitted in order to:
- Include questions that are general in nature and appropriate for the office for which candidates are seeking
- Exclude questions that are personal, attack other candidates or that are irrelevant for the office
- Group similar questions together by topic and provide the moderator with the one which most generally represents the grouped questions
- Meet with candidates to determine order of response to questions
- Explain the procedure (ground rules)
- Introduce the candidates in alphabetical order. Candidates will be introduced by title. Thereafter, “Mr.” and “Ms.” will be used.
- Read to the candidates the questions submitted on 3X5 cards
- Retain the option of combining questions which are similar or address the same topic
- Ensure that each candidate has an equal chance to answer questions
- Have the responsibility for enforcing ground rules and time limits. The moderator also will have the responsibility to interrupt the proceedings to enforce the ground rules and format that were agreed to by the candidates.
- Have the authority to interrupt the candidates if they believe the candidates are straying from the subject