Attend April 10 Consensus Meeting on Privatization


Privatization is nothing new. It permeates all levels of government. It’s become a popular strategy for governments struggling with budget shortfalls and decreased revenue. Privatization affects the prison system, the education system, the way our roads are maintained and the very water we drink. These attempts at government cost saving will not likely vanish in the near future, so how do we make sure it is done in our best interests?

Join us at a consensus meeting focused on the LWVUS Privatization Study being held from 6- 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 10 at the Tulsa Opera offices, 1610 S. Boulder. All members are encouraged to attend. Rides will be provided for any members who are unable or do not wish to drive after dark. Please contact the League office at 918-747-7933 to schedule a ride or for more information about the study or study materials.

Unit meetings held in February and March and a General Meeting held on Sunday, March 4, 2012, focused on the pros and cons of privatization, the history of its use as a strategy by all levels of governments and what measures must be taken to ensure that such efforts preserve the public good.  We now ask for your participation as we prepare our response to the LWVUS by reaching a consensus on the questions the study poses to each League. Read study materials here.