Pastor Angela Hall is a native of North Little Rock, Arkansas and resides in Owasso, Oklahoma. She is a mother of three and has four beautiful grandchildren.
Pastor Hall is a member of the Historical Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma under the leadership of Dr. Leroy M. Cole, Senior Pastor. She serves on the Ministerial Staff, Assistant Sunday School Superintendent. She serves as the teacher for the Multigenerational Sunday School Class combined of adult and young adult disciples, the Counseling Ministry, Voices of Zion Choir, and the Women’s Ministry President & Facilitator.
Pastor Hall is a member of the amazing Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. where she holds the following offices: Treasurer for the State of Oklahoma Zetas, President of the Phi Beta Zeta Chapter, Tulsa, Oklahoma and serve on the International Rituals and Ceremonies Committee representing the Midwestern Region. She holds degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies (Religion & Business), Business Administration and Accounting. Currently she is pursuing her Master’s and Doctoral Degree from Andersonville Theological Institute.
She has over 37 years of experience in the tax and accounting field and is currently employed with Cross Timbers CPAs PLLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma.