Will the Water Be There When We Need it?

Heather News

You drink it. You cook with it. You bathe in it. You swim in it. Companies need it to produce goods. Oil companies need it to retrieve oil and natural gas from the ground. Water is a resource that is vital to our lives and that most of us take for granted. The issues surrounding its use are very complicated. And with changing climate trends and increased demands, how we as communities manage the use of water now will have a dramatic impact on whether it is available for citizens in the future.

The League of Women Voters of Oklahoma commissioned a study of water for the purpose of updating the State League’s position on water at its 2011 convention. The position had not been updated since 1999 and much has happened at the local and state level since that time. A committee, chaired by Tulsa Board Member Julie Skye, began work over a year ago and has completed its preparation of study materials to be used by Leagues across the state for consensus meetings. The study documents are available for review at the following link:

Tulsa Issue Discussion Units will focus on this study during the months of November, January and February. The Tulsa Board will determine dates for the all-membership consensus meetings. Those dates will be published in the December newsletter. The deadline to complete the Consensus Study and report back to the Water Study Committee is March 15th.

Your voice is important in this discussion. You are urged to join in one of the Issue Discussion Unit meetings if you can or to review the study materials on your own in preparation for the Consensus Meeting. Help us make sure our position is as relevant as possible so that the League can take action when the opportunity is right.