New LWVUS Position on Privatization Approved

Heather News

Delegates to the LWVUS national convention in June approved a new position on privatization of government services. The position is based on responses received from the 227 Leagues across the country that participated in the Privatization Study. It describes the elements and processes which the League feels must be in place or followed in order that services or functions that are privatized are done so in a manner that ensures transparency, accountability and preservation of the common good.

The Tulsa League was one of the participants in this study. Unit Meetings focused on privatization during the winter months of 2011/2012. In addition, we held a general meeting March 4 featuring a panel of privatization experts.  A consensus meeting of Tulsa League members was held April 10.  The responses to the consensus questions from that meeting were reported to National.

This new position on privatization gives Leagues across the country a foundation for taking action when attempts are made at the local or state level to privatize government services and functions.  Read the full position here.